Everyone knows that it is better to lose weight gradually over several months in a short time. But sometimes the reality of life requires us to weight france depart from this rule. For example, events such as a wedding or an unexpected party in the islands ask us to do something very quickly. You can have your own good cause. weight france Anyway, if you are looking for valuable information to start a new and effective plan to lose 20 to 40 pounds as fast as possible, I can help you be a French regime. weight fitness france This plan called "Claudine regime" can lose weight loss france fat and weight in a few weeks.
- Have a cup of green tea.
- Eat two apples.
- Drink two glasses of weight france weight fitness france
- Crunch 2 blocks.
- Drink two glasses of water.
- Eating a green salad with dressing weight france (1 tablespoon olive oil and 1 tablespoon of vinegar) and a piece of grilled meat (beef, pork or fish). Sometimes, two fried eggs.
- Same as lunch.
latest tips
Do you have the desire to snack between meals? Chew an apple! After two weeks, you can eat occasionally with cheese and dark weight loss france chocolate.
Exercise: Try to exercise at least twice a week. If this is hard to do, weight france walk fast or run for at least 20 minutes each day.
As we mentioned in the weight loss france introduction, it is better to lose weight weight france gradually over a reasonable period of time. But if you do it as fast as possible, you can try the system Claudine. Now, if with the best will weight loss france in the world are not able to follow weight france this restrictive diet, I invite you to explore other loss diets quick and easy to do without any health risk weight on my site.
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