Le public n’en croit pas ses yeux, retient son souffle et se cache le visage : 15 voitures roulent sur les abdominaux de Danijel Peric, un allemand âgé de 26 ans. Et pendant ce temps-là il ne trouve rien de mieux à faire que de chanter en italien « O sole mio ». Comment peut-on obtenir de tels abdominaux en acier ? Et comment peut-on être aussi fou et se faire écraser par des voitures ? C’est ce que Danijel Peric va nous confier en interview. Vous pouvez consulter la vidéo en page 2. Première question: vous avez des courbatures?

Danijel Peric : Non, pas du tout. Je vais très bien. Après l’émission ça m’a fait un peu mal parce que quelques voitures ne sont pas passées comme il fallait. J’ai eu quelques bleus sur le côté gauche et quelques points douloureux mais sinon tout va bien. : L’été approche, auriez-vous quelques conseils à nous donner ? Comment arrive t-on à avoir des tablettes de chocolat comme vous?

Danijel Peric : S’entraîner avec discipline, s’alimenter sainement et garder de bonnes mensurations. Seul un entraînement pour la sangle abdominale ne suffit pas. Les exercices doivent solliciter tous les muscles et aussi les obliques. Encore une chose : pas de glucides le soir, car l’organisme ne peut plus les éliminer. Décrivez-nous une unité d’entraînement?

Danijel Peric : Pour m’échauffer je fais dans une salle de fitness soit entre 35 et 40 minutes d’endurance soit 40 à 45 minutes d’exercices pour éliminer les graisses. Pour ma stature mon pouls est de 127 ou 128 battements. Pour m’entraîner j’utilise la plupart du temps un vélo elliptique, un tapis de course, un stepper ou un vélo. Cela dure au minimum 30 minutes. Une chose est sûre, plus on s’entraîne longtemps, mieux c’est. Après cette phase d’échauffement je fais des Sit-ups classiques. En tout entre 500 et 700. Je fais des sit-ups classiques que tout le monde connaît et des séries avec les coudes en diagonal vers la jambe opposée. Il existe encore une quantité d’exercices pour la musculature du bas ventre. Cette dernière est en effet très souvent négligée et donc les abdo forment un « Four-Pack » au lieu d’un « Six-Pack » . Allongez-vous sur le dos et tendez une jambe vers le haut et levez la jambe toujours un peu plus jusqu’à ce que le bassin ne touche plus le sol. Il y a aussi l’exercice « Eagle Abdominal ». On s’assoit dans l’appareil au sens strict du terme, pliez les jambes et prenez appui avec les pieds sur la barre prévu à cet effet. Attrapez la barre prévue pour les mains et tendez les bras vers l’avant. Cet exercice permet au buste d’effectuer automatiquement un mouvement vers l’avant et de ce fait permet de muscler les abdominaux. Le but de cet entraînement est de réduire la couche de graisse pour que la peau soit directement sur une surface dure. : Pour vous maintenir en forme, faites-vous autre chose encore ?

Danijel Peric : Je joue au foot depuis l’âge de 9 ans et je suis joueur semi-professionnel dans l’équipe de Hambourg et nous sommes en division départementale. Je m’entraîne trois fois par semaine plus les matchs le weekend. : Mais comment vous est venue l’idée de vous faire rouler sur le ventre par des voitures ? Et comment s’entraîne t-on pour une telle performance ?

Danijel Peric : Ce sont des amis qui ont eu cette idée. Mes abdo ont une certaine réputation et deux de mes amis ont eu envie, d’inventer un truc incroyable avec mes abdominaux. Pour plaisanter j’ai pensé à faire rouler des choses très lourdes sur mon ventre. Et après tout s’est enchaîné très vite. On a construit une rampe provisoire. Au début j’ai mis une planche sur le ventre et un copain est passé en voiture dessus et cela a fonctionné. J’ai pu supporter le poids un certain temps. Un copain a ensuite pensé qu’il fallait rajouter un plus, d’où l’idée de chanter. La scène idéale pour cette aventure était l’émission allemande « Wetten, dass… ? » (« On parie que….. ?). Mais ce n’est pas à faire tous les jours. : Tout cela n’était qu’un gag ?

Des abdominaux « six-pack » en béton

Danijel Peric : Je savais que l’idée était cool. Mais je ne pensais vraiment pas à un tel succès. : Comment cet exploit en live a-t-il changé votre vie ?

Danijel Peric : C’est incroyable. L‘émission de « Wetten, daß…. ? » a servi de tremplin pour acquérir une certaine popularité. D’autres chaînes de télévision m’ont invité et j’ai d’autres propositions de chaînes de production et de managers. Je dois remercier l’émission qui grâce à elle m’a donné la chance d’être sous contrat avec l’entreprise « Pool Position ». : Quels sont vos prochains projets ?

Danijel Peric : Oui, il y a plusieurs propositions de magazines de fitness et de constructeurs automobiles pour des publicités et il y a aussi des entreprises de production qui sont intéressées par une coopération. Revenons à „O sole mio“. D’où vient votre passion pour l’opéra?

Danijel Peric : J’aime la musique classique. J’ai pris des cours de chants classiques. Pour moi le top c’est Luciano Pavarotti. Ce que j’aime dans les opéras, c’est le chant, la mélodie, la poésie et les histoires qui y sont racontées. Et l’idée d’ « O sole mio » a été intuitive. Je savais que si je devais chanter quelque chose pour cet exploit, ça serait « O sole mio » . Et ce fut le cas. : Merci beaucoup et vous souhaite bonne chance pour l’avenir !

Regardez en page 2 cet exploit : 15 voitures défilent sur les abdominaux de Danijel Peric.
Discussion Forum (Des abdominaux « six-pack » en béton) 

Kettlebell Training

Kettlebell Training

I have a confession to make. I suffer from what I call Exercise Attention Deficit Disorder (EADD). In an effort to stay motivated and moving, I always try new activities and workout tools. One tool that I've recently implemented in both my clients' and my own workouts is a kettlebell.
My standard four to six week attention span before I grow bored of a sport or game has made me the "Jill of all trades, master of none" queen of the sporting world. Now this isn't quite as bad as Exercise Avoidance Syndrome (EAS)—a condition that afflicts my loving husband—but it does present some challenges.
If you suffer from either one of these problems, kettlebells might also provide you with a way to change up your exercise routine and avoid boredom.
The history
Kettlebells are not new. They originated in Russia in the 1700s and are still used by the Russian and American militaries. Made popular by the Russian strength and flexibility coach Pavel Tsatsouline, kettlebells are starting to pop up in gyms and personal training studios. You can even see them being tossed around on the popular television show The Biggest Loser.
A traditional kettlebell is a black cast-iron weight that looks like a cannonball with a handle. But, if that is too hardcore looking for you, you can also buy coloured, neoprene-covered bells—even pink-coloured ones, if that's what strikes your fancy.
Coordinated strength
Kettlebells are a great workout tool to gain functional strength, endurance, and explosive power. From a personal trainer's perspective, kettlebell training is one of the best tools on the market for core conditioning.
In the fitness industry, we are not big fans of abdominal crunches as a way of training for a powerful core. The simple act of rolling one's shoulder blades off a mat will not train all the deep muscles of the abdominals, hips, glutes, and the lower spine to stabilize the rest of your body.
Now grab onto a kettlebell and start squatting with it or swinging it, and you have a different story on your hands. The body, in particular those core muscles mentioned, must now work together to stabilize the torso as well as to initiate the movement. You are now training what we like to call functional and coordinated strength.
Since all of the exercises are performed in a standing or lengthened position, you really get an opportunity to train your core muscles to be strong and stable. These important traits will help you excel not only in sport, but in life's daily activities as well.
One-Legged Deadlift
  • Hold the kettlebell with your right hand and lift your left foot slightly behind you.
  • Tighten your glutes and abdominals as if you are bracing for a punch.
  • Slowly push your hips back while bending your right leg and descend until your upper body is parallel with the floor. Your left leg should rise up behind you.
  • Let the bell touch the ground, then straighten back up by driving the hips forward.
  • Keep your glutes tight and try not to let the left leg touch the floor.
  • Come back up until the right leg is fully extended, tightening the quadricep muscles to straighten the knee.
  • Aim for 10 to 15 reps and then switch arms and legs.
Kettlebell Swing
  • Grab onto the kettlebell with both hands and stand with your feet wider than your shoulders.
  • Squat down until your thighs are nearly parallel with the floor; immediately swing the bell in between the legs.
  • As you come out of your squat, swing the bell up to shoulder height, using the hips to push the bell up there.
  • That's one rep—try 15 to 20 in a controlled manner.
Squat and Press
  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and the kettlebell resting in your hand at shoulder height, on the outside of the forearm (your palm should be facing you).
  • Pull your shoulders back and down and squat rearward until your thighs are parallel with the floor.
  • As you come back out of the squat, press the bell up. Use the momentum of coming out of the squat to help drive the bell up and above the head.
  • Bring the bell back to shoulder height and perform again.
  • Perform 10 to 15 repetitions with one arm and switch arms.
Turkish Half Get-Up
  • Lie face up on the floor with both legs straight, holding onto the kettlebell with your right hand straight above the shoulder.
  • Bend your left knee, place your foot on the floor, and extend your left arm out by your side.
  • Prop yourself up by using your abdominals and your left arm, while keeping the bell directly above the right shoulder and sit up until your back is straight. Keep your eyes on the bell throughout.
  • Reverse the movement to return back to the starting position on your back.
  • Perform 10 to 15 reps with your right arm extended and then switch arms.
Safety tips
Because kettlebell movements tend to be explosive and powerful in nature, it is important that you respect the kettlebell. If not, you may end up a kettlebell fatality instead of a kettlebell champion.
Follow these safety tips when using a kettlebell:
  • Practise all movements without a kettlebell at first.
  • If you can, get instruction from a professional trainer.
  • When you are ready, start with a light kettlebell (see "Buying guide" sidebar).
  • Modify your lever length and your speed if needed (master the technique with a slower speed to start, or hold the weight closer to the body to make it easier).
  • Give yourself enough space. Some of the movements involve swinging and you don't want to send your workout partner to the ER with a concussion.
  • Warm up before you begin to get the muscles ready for the workout.
  • Keep it simple. I have been training with kettlebells for over a year now and there are still some exercises that I know I am not ready for.
  • Wear gloves, or keep a towel handy. Your hands do sweat and sweaty hands can mean disaster when throwing a kettlebell around.
Buying guide
  • If you are a healthy male, it is suggested that you start with a 35 lb (16 kg) kettlebell. For women a 17 lb (8 kg) one will do the trick.
  • You may also want to purchase the next size down and the next size up to those weights. This enables you to choose the right weight, dependent on the exercise that you are doing.
  • When purchasing a kettlebell, you only need to buy one. Unlike dumbbells, kettlebells are worked individually.
  • Try to avoid ordering kettlebells over the Internet. Because of their weight you will pay a hefty fee for shipping and handling. Most fitness stores carry them.

About the Author

PJ Wren is a personal trainer who has all of her clients throwing kettlebells around.

Sturdy Planks

Sturdy Planks

We all want a strong core that enhances performance and prevents injury. One of the simplest and most effective exercises to achieve this is the plank. Today’s plank is less scary then the ones pirates walked. But it needs to be performed correctly to avoid injury and provide maximum benefit.
Abs of wood
The plank is a simple abdominal exercise designed to improve core strength and balance. You can do it anywhere, and it requires no equipment and very little skill to perform. With summer fast approaching, this is the perfect exercise to add to your outdoor training routine.
Not only does this exercise build a stronger core, but it also improves strength in other areas of your body.
The plank is a popular aspect of isometric training. Isometric training keeps muscle length and joint angle the same for the duration of a given exercise. Isometric exercises
  • are low impact
  • enhance strength and stability and are great for rehabilitation
  • require minimal time while still being effective
Plank benefits
The plank improves strength in your quads, glutes, back, shoulders, and chest. It aids reconditioning after an injury. But most of all, it targets the three major abdominal muscles: rectus abdominis, obliques, and transversus abdominis. These muscles play a key role in protecting your spine during activity.
Better posture
When performed correctly, the plank can improve postural deficiencies, making you look and feel better. Weak core muscles can contribute to poor posture, leading to unhealthy movement paths during activity. This is a major problem because many of us spend too much time sitting each day. Strengthening core muscles can resolve many of the issues associated with long periods in a chair.
Effective warm-up
The plank is a great way to warm up muscles before sport or activity. It helps activate the nervous system, as well as many major muscle groups throughout the body. At the same time, it won’t overload the muscles and cause unnecessary fatigue. Whether you are preparing for a run on your favourite trail or to surf a rugged stretch of coast, incorporate a few sets of planks beforehand to help wake up dormant muscles.
With all those benefits, you may want to go plank-wild, but remember: rest and recovery are extremely important for injury prevention and improved strength. Core muscles should not be trained every day, so be sure to schedule rest days.
Better than crunches?
A 2011 study found that planks keep core muscles more than two times as active “compared to a traditional trunk flexion and extension exercise.”
Even though planks and crunches both work core muscles, the plank activates more muscles throughout your body and helps to create more effective stabilization through your spine and hips. Strong stabilizers around your core are vital to your overall health and performance in almost every activity. Runners, cyclists, swimmers, and summertime sports enthusiasts can all benefit from this exercise.
Lastly, planks are generally safer than crunches and sit-ups and can actually help prevent lower back pain. Traditional sit-ups put a lot of stress on your lower back and neck and can increase your risk for back injury.
Planks, however, may raise blood pressure, so speak with your health care practitioner before incorporating planks into your workouts.
Starting off
When performing a plank, correct form is essential in order to protect your joints and target the right muscle groups. Here are a few tips to perform an effective front plank.
  • From a push-up position, lower your forearms to the ground, ensuring your body forms a straight line from your ankles to your head.
  • Squeeze your butt to activate your glutes and neutralize your hips.
  • Tighten the core muscles of your abdomen.
  • Position your elbows directly underneath your shoulders and look straight down at the floor.
Your level of experience and core strength will determine how long you can hold the plank position. If you are a beginner, start with two sets, holding each one for 20 to 30 seconds. As your strength improves, increase the amount of time each set is held for. Once a 30-second hold becomes easy, you can also add variations, such as lifting one foot or arm off the floor.
Progress slowly and don’t increase the duration of each set too quickly. Listen to your body, and remember that quality over quantity is the key to success. If you begin to break form but persist, the plank can do more harm than good.
Adding variation
When you feel ready, try different forms of the exercise. Incorporating tools such as an exercise ball or half-ball is a great way to challenge your physical strength and mental focus. Here are a few intermediate and advanced variations to try.
Side plank
Side Plank
This variation targets the oblique muscles, which are important core stabilizers.
Lie on your left side with your knees straight, glutes engaged, and back straight.
Prop yourself up on your left elbow and forearm, ensuring your elbow is under your shoulder.
  • Brace your core by contacting your abs.
  • Raise your hips until your body forms a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders.
  • Hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds.
  • Switch sides and repeat. Complete two sets.
Side plank with abduction
Side Plank with Abduction
This variation of the side plank will further target your glute muscles.
  • From the side plank position, lift your top leg just higher than hip level and slowly lower it back down.
  • Keep your spine lengthened and ensure your glutes and abs are engaged.
  • Perform 8 to 10 repetitions on each side.
Front plank on exercise ball
Ball Plank
This variation requires additional core strength to counteract the movement of the exercise ball and is a great intermediate exercise.
  • Adopt a posture similar to a front plank, but position your forearms on an exercise ball.
  • Ensure your legs are straight, core is engaged, and elbows are positioned underneath your shoulders.
  • Hold for 30 seconds, working up to one minute as you get stronger.
  • Perform 1 to 2 sets to begin with; work up to 3 to 4 sets.
Plank walk-up to push-up
Plank Walk-Up to Push-UpPlank Walk-Up to Push-Up
This dynamic variation will build strength in your arms, shoulders, and chest.
Get into a push-up position with your hands positioned under your shoulders, arms fully extended.
  • Starting with the right side, lower your elbow to the ground exactly where your hand was positioned.
  • Lower your left elbow in the same way.
  • From this front plank position, return to the starting push-up position.
  • Perform 8 to 10 repetitions leading with your right elbow.
  • Then complete 8 to 10 starting with your left side.

About the Author

Michael Foston, ASc, BCRPA PT, believes in the work hard, play hard concept and understands having a strong core is important for performing optimally in activities he is passionate about.

Measuring Body Fat

Many people who are watching their weight — or trying to lose some pounds — turn to their bathroom scale. But that old familiar standby is not the only way to measure one’s size. Another possibility to consider is your body fat percentage.
Body Fat: What Are the Dangers?
When most of us hear the words "body fat" they have immediate negative connotations. However, in the right proportion, fat is actually critical to our diet and health. In the not-so-distant past, the ability to store extra body fat allowed our ancestors to survive in times of famine, when food was hard to come by. Even today it’s essential to keep the body functioning, to preserve body heat, and to protect organs from trauma.
Problems arise when our bodies store too much fat. This can lead to a variety of health issues, including high cholesterol, hypertension, glucose intolerance, and insulin resistance. Especially dangerous is fat stored at the waist, creating what is often called an “apple-shaped” body, as opposed to fat on the hips and thighs, a “pear-shaped” body.
“Normal body fat for men is around 8 to 15 percent of their total body weight and for women approximately 20 to 30 percent,” says Caroline Apovian, MD, associate professor of medicine and pediatrics at Boston University School of Medicine and director of the Center for Nutrition and Weight Management at Boston Medical Center.
Body Fat: How Can It Be Measured?
There are a variety of ways to measure the amount of body fat a person is carrying. “The most accurate way is ‘underwater weighing,’ which weighs the person on land and then underwater,” says Mary M. Flynn, PhD, RD, chief research dietitian and assistant professor of medicine at the Miriam Hospital and Brown University in Providence, R.I. “But equipment for this is very expensive and not readily available.”
Another fairly accurate option is Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA). BIA consists of electrodes being placed on a person’s hand and foot while a current (which is not felt) is passed through the body. Fat has less water and is more resistant to the current, whereas muscle, which contains more water, is less resistant. The resulting numbers are entered into an equation which figures the percentage of fat and lean tissue.
The easiest method is measuring waist circumference and determining the Body Mass Index (BMI). A waist circumference over 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men is cause for concern.
Figuring BMI involves a little more calculation. BMI is done by multiplying your weight in pounds by 703, then dividing that number by your height in inches two times. If the end result is less than 18.5, the individual is underweight;18.5 to 24.9 is normal; 25.0 to 29.9 is overweight; and over 30 is obese.
“However, you must be aware of this disclaimer. BMI alone is not an indication of body fat, especially in athletes and bodybuilders. Growing children under 18 years old should also avoid using BMI,” says Elizabeth Downs, RD, clinical dietitian at the Montefiore Medical Center at the University Hospital for the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, N.Y.
One final way of determining body fat is using skin calipers to measure fat at specific places in the body. However, not only is it easy to make errors, but this method also doesn’t measure any interior fat or fat contained in thighs and women’s breasts.
Ultimately the percentage of body fat is just another number in the health equation. And if you are not happy with the result, all it takes is adding exercise and cutting calories to get it moving in the right direction.
Copyright © 2015 Everyday Health Media, LLC

Choosing Protein Wisely

Our bodies need protein to build strong bones, muscles, skin, and cells. Because we can’t store protein in our bodies the way we can store carbohydrates, we need to make sure we eat enough protein every day. But is all protein created equal?
Alexa Schmitt, RD, a clinical nutritionist at Massachusetts General Hospital, says that what makes a protein “good” or “bad” is its saturated fat content. Proteins that are high in saturated fats can raise your cholesterol level, which in turn puts you at higher risk for heart disease. Most adults need to eat 40 to 65 grams of protein each day. And though most Americans already eat more protein than they need, we don't necessarily eat enough of the "good" protein. So how can we make smart choices about which sources of protein to choose?

Good Sources of Protein

Here are a variety of protein choices you probably encounter every day:
  • Meats. Schmitt says that salami, steak, and chicken with skin are meats that are high in protein but also high in saturated fat. A six-ounce steak, for instance, has almost all the protein you need for one day, but that same steak has nearly 75 percent of your daily saturated fat intake. Does this mean you have to give up your Italian sub sandwiches or Philly cheesesteaks? Not necessarily. Schmitt recommends moderation: “Try to eat these meats only once or twice a week," she says.
  • Lean meats. Luckily, there are also leaner choices for die-hard meat eaters. Chicken, turkey, fish, and beef that is 95 percent lean are still high in protein but have less fat, especially the saturated fats that can lead to high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
  • Soy. Schmitt says that soy proteins are rich in protein and low in saturated fats. She recommends edamame (baby soybeans) and vegetarian meat alternatives such as soy nuggets and veggie burgers. Look for these in the refrigerator case at your local supermarket. Edamame is usually served lightly boiled and salted, often as a part of Japanese and Chinese cuisine. If you don’t have an Asian specialty market near you, check the freezer section of conventional supermarkets, which sometimes carry edamame.
  • Beans, legumes, and nuts. All varieties of beans are good sources of protein and low in saturated fats, Schmitt says. Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans, taste delicious on salads or in hummus, a low-fat dip. Spicy vegetarian chili recipes can be a flavorful alternative to traditional chili. Legumes such as dried peas and lentils can also be used in chili and stews. And nuts, when eaten in moderation, are another good source of protein that is not high in fat.
  • Dairy. Dairy products are often overlooked as sources of protein, but they are certainly worth mentioning, says Schmitt. Some dairy products are higher in saturated fat than others. She recommends the low-fat versions of cottage cheese, Greek-style yogurt, and ricotta cheese, not only because of their value as a protein source but because they also make an easy and convenient snack.
In addition to choosing good sources of protein, it can also be useful to plan your meals ahead of time. Advance planning can help you identify the foods that you tend to eat too much of, allowing you to make better substitutions beforehand.

What to Remember About Protein

When choosing protein sources, remember that while you might get the same amount of protein from high- and low-fat options, you run the risk of increasing your blood pressure and cholesterol levels by choosing sources with a higher fat content. Consider leaner cuts of meats and getting more of your daily protein from plant sources to protect your heart.
Copyright © 2015 Everyday Health Media, LLC

7 Homemade Detox Drinks for Weight Loss

These home detox for weight loss drinks are a natural way to melt fat fast. Detox removes toxins and helps you achieve your weight loss in a short period of time. So naturally, it's a good idea to detox your body on a regular basis.

It is important to note, if you plan to drink only detox for a few days, make sure your current health status allows you to change your normal diet detox diet. Before making a long-term drug or drastic you should see a doctor.

That said, here are 7 home detox drinks to help you lose weight:

Tea: Tea is a natural detox drink expels toxins from your system. Dandelion tea, green tea, mint tea and ginger tea are particularly effective in supporting weight loss. Drink 3-5 cups of tea per day to support your efforts to lose weight.
Cranberry juice, cranberry juice improves the body's metabolism, which is essential to convert fat into energy instead of overweight. In addition to eating lots of fruits and vegetables, drinking cranberry juice is a very effective way to lose weight. In addition, this also helps detox drink nicotine and alcohol to clear your system in just four days. Drink at least 32 ounces of 100% organic cranberry juice every day.
Cabbage juice: cabbage is very effective in detoxifying the liver. And because the liver is responsible for detoxifying your body, which is an essential part of your plan for detoxification and weight loss. If you have a juicer, juice up some cabbage, carrots and pears in a delightfully refreshing drink detox.
Cabbage Soup: For a satisfying hot drink, boil a head of cabbage with carrots, onion and a pinch of salt, then strain and drink. You can also add other vegetables to pack more nutrients in the drink hot detoxification, which is very effective in detoxifying the liver.
Cucumber and Lemon: This may seem a surprising combination, but the effects of these ingredients has been tested by nutritionists, and showed a weight loss detox drink very effective. All you have to do is use a blender to mix 1 cucumber, cut into small pieces and the juice of half a lemon. Drink at least 2 times a day. This detox drink increases your metabolism, which is essential to lose weight quickly, and you will realize how much you have for energy.
Master Cleanse Lemonade: This is probably the industry of weight loss most popular detox drinks. He became famous by celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Beyonce Knowles, because it is a very effective detox drink to lose weight and improve your complexion. It is a home detox perfect drink for rapid weight loss. Mix lemon juice, organic maple and a pinch of cayenne pepper in a glass of syrup 10 cl of water. Sip this drink throughout the day for best results.
Salt Water Cleanse: At the beginning of your detox, you can do a detox salt water to cleanse your digestive system and prepare your body for weight loss. To do this, a day when you have plenty of time to stay at home near the bathroom because it will run through your body very quickly. Mix 1-2 tablespoons of natural sea salt in a quart of warm water. Do not use table salt will not have the same effect. Stir until the salt dissolves. Drink and relax. Most people report a saddle less than 30 minutes to two hours, and more may follow. Once you have cleaned your system, restore eating yogurt to replenish the beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, drinking juice and eating fruits and vegetables, cooked sweet steam.
Besides these detox drinks, make sure you eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grains that fill and give yourself the best chance of losing weight fast.

Different Types of Lip Augmentation

As people age, the appearance of their face begins to change, and the signs of aging slowly become visible. One of the most noticeable signs of aging is that the lips begin to become thinner and less full. In conjunction with this, the fine vertical lines around the mouth become more pronounced. Although many women would like to increase the fullness of their lips with lipstick as they age, it becomes harder and harder to achieve the desired effect, because lipstick tends to bleed into these fine lines. Thankfully, many people are able to reduce the signs of aging by signing up for a lip augmentation or similar procedure with their cosmetic surgeon. Here is some information about the different types of lip augmentation and lip treatments that are available from cosmetic surgeons across the country:

Fat Transfers - During a fat transfer, your surgeon will be able to move a small amount of fat from one area of your body, and inject it into your lips to create fuller lips. In most cases, fat will be taken from your thighs or abdomen, but your surgeon can take it from any other area where sufficient fat cells are available. Once the fat has been removed from the body, it is purified using a special process, and then it is injected back into the lips. Many people prefer this method, because the fat has already come out of their bodies, so they unlikely to have a negative reaction to it. On average, the results last up to a year, but many patients are happy to report that their results last much longer.

Chemical Injections - Special chemical formulas have been created which are designed to enhance the shape of the lips. These substances can be injected into the lips by a trained cosmetic surgeon. The results of this procedure last from about 6 months, up to a year, depending on the individual and the type of injection given. Whilst most patients enjoy the results of lip augmentation injections, some patients react badly to the chemicals, and may suffer from period lip swelling.

Laser Treatment - Laser treatments can be used to reduce the fine lines around the lips, smooth the skin, and increase collagen production in the area, which can help to make the lips look fuller bodied. There is very little down time associated with the treatment, and it does not require injections, so it is a good choice for candidates who do not like needles.

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These 5 Movements Will Help You Build Forearms Like Popeye The Motherfuckin’ Sailor Man

Quick show of hands – how many of you have forearm workouts scheduled this week? No, we’re not talking about just one while spreading DNA solo. Forearms are probably the second-most overlooked body part next to calves. There are many IFBB pro bodybuilders that do not perform isolation exercises for their forearms, so you are in good company.
But that is something that needs to change and will benefit you in many aspects. First of all, you will not look symmetrical if you have big biceps and triceps and these scrawny forearms. Secondly, part of your forearm will improve the overall size of your biceps. And lastly, you are improving your grip strength when training forearms and this will assist you when doing movements such as pull-ups and bent over rows.
There are a number of exercises that you can do for your forearms and they – like calves – are a tough little body part that can be trained frequently. Every – or every other – day is something that you should be doing and by keeping it to four sets each time, you will not have to worry about overtraining.
Your best bet is to hit forearms at the end of the workout so that pre-exhaustion has already set in from them being worked as secondary muscles while you trained your main body part(s) that day. When you do the four sets of whichever exercise you choose to do that day, you’ll experience an immediate pump in your forearms and that will help them grow over the long haul.
Here is an example of what a typical week can look like for you in regards to forearm workouts:

DAY 1 – Seated Barbell Wrist Curls (4 sets, 12-to-15 reps each)

This is a staple among forearm workouts and will develop your flexor muscles. Be sure to keep the back of your arms braced against your thighs but also make sure that they clear your knee so that your range of motion isn’t compromised.

DAY 2 – Standing Dumbbell Alternate Hammer Curls (4 sets, 12-to-15 reps each)

Now it’s time to work your brachialis (the portion of your upper forearm that connects to your bicep) and hammers are the perfect choice to isolate them. You can perform them out on the side of your body or a ‘cross draw’ style across the front. 

DAY 3 – Standing Barbell Reverse Curls (4 sets, 12-to-15 reps each)

When you do a reverse curl, you’re looking to develop your extensor muscles and these are very important, as they are very visible and will make your arms look huge once you get that deep separation. Use a grip that is a little less than shoulder width and be sure to turn your wrists up toward you at the top of the rep.

DAY 4 – Standing Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls (4 sets, 12-to-15 reps each)

These are very different from the above, as you are holding the bar from behind and rolling it up and out, working your flexor muscles from a completely different angle. Because the range of motion is a short one, squeeze and pause at the top of each rep to work it hard.

DAY 5 – Wrist Rollers (4 sets, 10 each)

Saving the hardest of the forearm workouts for last, wrist rollers are a bitch to do and you will appreciate the rest days. Start off with something light (15 or 20 pounds) and you’ll immediately feel the burn, not wanting to go up in weight. When done correctly, you’ll be lucky to get 10 reps.
Your gym may have a machine for these, but the old school guys will just grab a dumbbell or small plates and tie a rope to them, leaving it long enough for the weight to reach just above the floor.


Top Tips To Lose Weight While On A Budget

One of the top tips to lose weight is to focus on your diet and make better food choices which will not only be healthier for you but which can also help you lose weight. Some people think making healthier food choices is going to cost an arm and a leg and while most unhealthy foods are cheaper, there are still ways to cut corners so that you are able to eat healthy and lose weight without spending too much.

Tips to lose weight on a budget

1. Say bye bye to junk food

Because most junk food is cheap, most people end up spending a portion of their paycheck on daily or weekly runs to fast food restaurants. This is not only unhealthy but is the fastest way to add pounds to your frame so eliminate junk food starting today but you also need to change your thinking about junk food in order to stop craving it.

While it may seem quick and cheap, the health costs that result from becoming unhealthy from your fast food consumption can be huge including diabetes management costs, high cholesterol management, high blood pressure management, etc.

Anything that increases your risk of developing these diseases should be off the menu. With every bite that you take of fast food, imagine that each bite is getting you closer to developing one or more of the above diseases and conditions.

Junk food is not only available at these restaurants but can be found at grocery stores too, so avoid shopping on an empty stomach and shop alone since children and spouses can pressure you into buying junk food for yourself and for them.

While junk food may seem cheap today, it will cost you so much more in the future when your health is affected so in a sense it is much cheaper to buy healthier foods today since they keep you healthy and help prevent you from developing chronic diseases that are expensive to treat.

2. Water instead of soft drinks

Choose water instead of sodas or coffee. Water is so much healthier for you. You will not only save money that you would otherwise spend on sodas and coffee, but you will also be healthier. Drinking a glass of water before a meal can help to reduce your hunger pangs which can help to reduce the amount of food you end up eating.

Anytime you feel hungry, instead of reaching for a fattening snack, drink a glass of water and it will help fill up your stomach and make you less hungry which is why drinking 8 to 10 or more eight ounce glasses of water is one of the best tips to lose weight.

Water also helps your body get rid of waste and toxins so drink up to keep your body well hydrated.

It is best to avoid drinking tap water and to avoid the expense of bottled water, simply invest in a water filter. This is an investment you will not regret as it will help you avoid the chlorine and other chemicals present in tap water.

Also fill up on high water content fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, salads, etc.

3. Fruits and vegetables

Eating more fruits and vegetables is another of the best tips to lose weight fast. Fruits and vegetables not only help you get the essential nutrients that your body needs but they also contain fiber which is the best way to lose weight naturally because fiber helps you feel fuller faster which ensures that you will end up eating less food as well as less in-between meal snacks which leads to weight loss.

It is best to buy in season fruits and vegetables. Farmers markets are great places to buy your fruits and vegetables. You can also buy fruits in bulk and freeze them to prevent them from spoiling and being a waste of money. Wash them thoroughly and dry them before freezing them in plastic zipper bags. Some may need to be peeled and cut up so do so before freezing them. All kinds of fruits can be frozen such as bananas, strawberries, mangoes, papaya, pineapples, berries, etc.

There are so many vegetables that do not cost more than a dollar so in addition to helping you eat healthier, they can also help you lose weight because they are very filling because of their fiber content and have very few calories so you can eat as much as you want. Nutrient rich vegetables that don't cost more than $1 include kale, collard greens, butternut squash, rutabaga, etc. In addition, buy loose fruits and vegetables that you can wash yourself and not pre-packaged and washed fruits and veggies which cost more.

4. Beans

One of the best tips to lose weight is to incorporate beans into your diet. They not only contain vital nutrients but are an extremely rich source of fiber especially soluble fiber which helps to slow digestion which can not only help prevent diseases like diabetes but which can also help with weight loss. This soluble fiber is not only great for slowing down digestion but is also important to eliminate waste from your body in a timely manner.

Beans are also a great source of protein which is necessary for building lean muscle if you also exercise as building lean muscle is the best way to increase your metabolism which helps to burn more calories. Select dry beans and not canned beans in order to avoid the high sodium content found in most canned beans. Beans are extremely cheap so there is not reason why they should not be in your diet.

To avoid the extreme gas from eating beans, soak the beans overnight first. Dump the water in the morning and add to a pot that you fill with water. Cook for 30 minutes and then dump this water out. Add more water and cook for another thirty minutes and dump this water out for the last time. After this, add more water and continue cooking the beans until done.

5. Meat and poultry

Limit or avoid consumption of red meat as it contains saturated fats which are bad for your health. Choose poultry instead and if you are on a budget, turkey is one of the cheapest and healthiest poultry choices. Turkey will more than adequately take care of your daily protein needs as well as containing other nutrients.

If you are on a budget, frozen ground turkey is the better alternative to fresh while still containing all the nutrients that you need. In addition, buy boneless poultry that still contains the fat and trim this yourself. You will find that this is cheaper.

Lastly, you will find it cost effective if you purchase meat and poultry products that are close to the "sell by" date and simply freeze them.

6. Salmon

Another of the best tips to lose weight is to eat more salmon which is also a great alternative to meat. Salmon is extremely healthy for you because it contains omega-3 fatty acids which are not only good for your health and well-being but eating more of these healthy fats can help you body release more of its unhealthy fat reserves which helps with weight loss as well as eliminating belly fat.

Salmon can be expensive but thankfully, canned salmon contains these fatty acids including many other nutrients which makes this a great option for those on a budget who want to eat healthy and still lose weight.

7. Eggs

Eggs are also another cheap and healthier alternative to meat and egg whites make some of the best weight loss foods. Eggs from free range birds are healthier as these birds were not fed various antibiotics, steroids and many other harmful chemicals that will find their way into the eggs and into your body.

8. Packaged foods

If you love pasta but still want to lose weight, one of the best tips to lose weight while still eating pasta is to look for Jerusalem artichoke pasta which is low in calories but still high in vitamins and minerals.

Healthier bread choices include looking for those made with whole grains. For hamburger buns, if you buy whole grain buns, this will not only help you eat healthier, but will be a great tool for portion control which will help with weight loss.

9. Peanut butter

This is not only cheap but is a great source of various nutrients including protein and it is important to note that peanuts are the only complete source of the protein that you will find. You can add them to sandwiches, smoothies, etc. This is also a great healthy snack but do not eat too much because although this is a great source of healthy fats, these fats are present in high amounts in peanuts which will defeat your weight loss goals if you eat too much.

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